Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Story Lives On

WMU was forunded in 1888, the main purpose of WMU is to educate and involve preschoolers,           children, youth and adults in the cause of Christian Missions.

Women's Luncheon

On February 9, 2013, at 10:30 there will be a WMU Luncheon at Flint Hill Baptist Church.

Our speaker will be Dianne Blackwelder Hart, speaker/singer/children scripture songwriter from Raleigh. She grew up here at Flint Hill, graduated from Olympic High School and Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte.  As a children's songwriter her music is designed to help children learn God's amazing truth.  Her passion is to encourage women thru speaking and song. After Dianne speaks lunch will be served.  For reservations call 803-548-0248.